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How to Make the Best Out of Open-Source LLMs

Ever found yourself wondering if you could tap into the magic of top-notch language models without breaking the bank? Well, good news – open-source LLMs like Gemma, Mistral, Phi2, and a bunch of others are here to save the day! And guess what? They won't cost you a single penny. If you're scratching your head about how to get them up and running on your own machine and use them for all sorts of cool stuff, you're in the right place. Let's dive in!

Why Bother with Open-Source LLMs?

Okay, so GPT-4 is like the rockstar of AI models, but let's be real – it's got a pretty steep price tag attached. And for us students, coughing up a bunch of cash for a project just isn't in the cards. But fear not, my friend, because here's where open-source LLMs come strutting in to save the day. They're like the friendly neighborhood superheroes of the AI world, and here's why they're totally awesome: